Thursday, 22 December 2011

Amendments to SSC act

Necessary changes are being incorporated in the SSC Act 1997 to introduce TET in the recruitment test. On 22nd of Dec 2011 the amendments are going to be published or signed by the Education DEepartment.

SSC will publish its advertisement for next RLST within Jan 15th. Advertisement for HM RLST is on the anvil. Lets wait...

Still confusions on No. of casual leave for 2011session!!!

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016
Circular No. S/104                                                                                                     Dated 07.08.2009

From: Secretary
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016

To: Heads of all recognized Secondary Schools

Sub: No. of Holidays in Secondary Schools for the changed Academic Sessions 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 & 2012 and the No. of days for Casual Leave to be enjoyed by the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff of Secondary Schools for the revised / changed sessions noted above.

In pursuance of Govt. Order vide No. 635-SE (S)/10M-39/2009, dated 18.6.2009 and as per decision taken in the Special General Meeting of the Board, held on 29.07.2009 the Heads of all recognized Secondary Schools under the jurisdiction of the Board are hereby informed that due to changes in Academic Session in our State in School level education norms for (A) the Holidays, and (B) Casual Leave of the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff for the Academic Session noted above are given below:

A – Holidays

(i)For the Academic Session, 2009-2010 (May, 2009 to February, 2010)65 days less the public holidays scheduled in the month of March & April, 2010 which were included earlier in the holidays list of 65 days.
(ii)For the Academic Session, 2010-2011 (March, 2010 to January, 2011) 65 days plus the public holidays falling in the months of March & April, 2010
(iii)For the Academic Session, 2011-2012 (February, 2011 to December, 2012) 65 days
(iv)For the Academic Session, 2012 (January, 2012 to December, 2012) 65 days

B – Casual Leave 
Keeping conformity with the Board’s Notification No. S/943 dated 22.12.1989 the total No. of Casual Leave for the following Academic Sessions are noted below:

(i)For May, 2009 to February, 2010 (10 months) 12 days
(ii)For March, 2010 to January, 2011 (11 months) 13 days
(iii)For February, 2011 to December, 2011 (11 months) 13 days
(iv)For January, 2012 to December, 2012 (1 year) and for successive calendar years Leave Rule No. 2 of the Management of Recognized Non-Govt. Institutions (Aided and Un-aided) Rules, 1969 as amended will be applicable. 14 days
All concerned are being informed.
Sd/- Secretary

Friday, 16 December 2011

West Bengal Women staffers to enjoy two-yr child care leave.

KOLKATA: Working mothers may soon heave a sigh of relief. The Mamata Banerjee government is planning to introduce a two-year child care leave for women staffers, so that working mothers can devote more time to their children, especially when the children are ill or need assistance during examinations. to assist the children during their examinations.

   The state government is also considering options of adoptive leave to be given to women employees who opt for adoption.

   Proposal for child care leave has already been sent to the finance department for its clearance, so that women employees can avail of the facility from this year. Once the government clears this proposal, working mothers can get a leave of 730 days. The leave can either be availed of at a stretch or in intervals.

   The state government is also considering ways of providing an increased maternity leave to women employees, if the women employees can be provided increased maternity leave, as enjoyed by central government employees. While the Centre has increased the maternity leave from 135 days to 180 days, that for So far the maternity leave for the state government employees is 120 days. State officials are contemplating to raise the leave to 140 days.

   An official of the finance department said that there are around 30,000 women employees in the state including those working in the government, government-aided organizations, schools and panchayats. If the child care leave is to be provided, then it should cover all categories of staff, he said.

   The officer said that a woman employee is entitled to the 730-day leave during the entire period of her service, for taking care of a maximum of two children. The leave can be availed till the children turn 18 and can be used if the child falls sick or needs the mother's assistance for preparing for an examination. "During the period of such leave, the women staffer shall be getting salary equal to what she used to draw immediately before going on leave," the officer said.

   However, prior to this new rule being implemented, state officials are examining the central order issued following the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission that led to the introduction of this child care leave. For central government employees, this leave came into effect since September, 2008.

   A central service officer who had recently availed of this leave at the time of her daughter's illness clarified that the leave can be taken thrice in a year and can be taken in spells. "But this leave should not be less than 15 days. In case of emergency like sickness of child, approval for proceedings on the leave can be sought later. But if one wants leave for the child's examination, a prior sanction is required," the officer added.

   Sociologist Ruby Sain said, "If child care leave is granted then it will be of immense help to working mothers.If this leave is granted then I can also avail of it for my son's ICSE next year, as my son Baijaeek will be appearing for the ICSE examination in 2012.

   " She felt that adoptive mothers too should be granted leave for adoption. This will enable more working women to adopt babies.

   Dalia Chakaraborty, head of sociology department, Jadavpur University, said that the move to provide child care leave will be very useful for working mothers. "Working mothers face trouble during the early years of their children and there is no institutional support. Creches are few in the city. Creches are also few in the city.

   There are instances of JU teachers getting full maternity leave for adopting babies. This should be followed by the state government," said Dalia.

Courtesy: timesofindia

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Permission for B.Ed Training in respect of Para Teachers!

Yes, its a great news for the untrained Para Teachers who have found it difficult to undergone B.Ed Training without hampering service. I personally know some HMs who even donot countersign their application for B.Ed from IGNOU. Now a Para Teachers can go for B.Ed with permission from Managing Committe.

Click here to Read the Order No. 159 dated 16-9-11

In para (a)
" that the period of training programme  will be given as LEAVE WITHOUT PAY. For contact programme if any and the Exam period the para teacher may utilize the holidays / and or admissible leave at his/her ক্রেডিট "
may create confusion:
  1. Whether the entire Period for the Training in DISTANCE mode (IGNOU) be treated as L.W.P or NOT? 
  2. Distance mode training can be done without hampering normal duty... !!! If some one wishes to do that without taking leave then...
  3. Admissible Leave also include 7 days ML!!! 14 days CL... Is that sufficient for covering the contact programme / Exam Progm !!!
This is my personal views... will you please share your views here...


Permission for acquiring B.Ed degree from IGNOU

It is well known to the untrained teachers that acquiring B.Ed degree from Distance Education is permissible by G.O. 46 SE dated 27-2-2009 with the introduction of ROPA 2009. With the introduction, the Govt in Education Dept has published some other G.O. to enable the untrained teachers to get permission from the authority. Some of the Officials in District Inspectorate are objecting in according permission to such teachers raising the question that MC is the authority. The increment may not be extended if not permitted from the D.I in future. The accounts officer may assume the competent authority as the DI/ADI. Here are two Govt Notification for the teachers. <uploaded on request>

G.O. No. 490 SE dated 11th May 2009

G.O. No. 174 SE dated 10th Feb  2010

No deprivation of Admission in science stream

all Heads of H.S Institutions are requested to ensure that no student with 70% marks in aggregate and ?5? marks in Science subjects and Mathematics taken together in 'Madhyamik Pariksha' of w' B' Board of
secondary Education shall be deprived of admission in class XI with science subjects and Mathematics in the same school wherefrom she/he has passed the said 'Madhyamik Pariksha, if she/he opts for'

Councils Order : Click Here

Collection of Notifications Published By The West Bengal Govt in regard to RTE act

Government Notifications in Bengali published by Government of West Bengal in 2010-11 year.
(All this Orders are published in this blog in English. Now this Orders are again uploaded as it is published in Bengali)
শিশুর  বিনা ব্যয়ে বাধ্যতামূলক শিক্ষার অধিকার আইনে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের বিজ্ঞাপ্তি সমূহ
Click on the following link to download the documents or Orders

 Chapter 1 : Setting Up of New PRIMARY & UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOLs

 Chapter 2:  Prohibition of Corporal Punishment of Children in Schools

Chapter 3 :  Banning of PRIVATE TUITION by Teachers

Chapter 4:   One Year Bridge Course for PTTI trained

Chapter 6:   No fees will be charged for elementary education of a Child

Chapter 7:  25% reservation for Backwards Children in Aided Schools by State Govt or Local bodies

Chapter 8:  Continuous Observation of performance of a Child admitted in Class I to ensure completion of his education till Class VIII

Chapter 9:   Complaint against School authority for denying admission of children from 6-14 years of age.

Adimssion of Students in elementary Classes willbe done by lottery

All Heads of Institution are requested to take necessary action to admit the students in elementary classes by drawn a lottery. Secondary schools having primary section will have to admit all primary section students in Class V then the left out vacancies will be filled up by lottery.
To read the G.O.1435 dated 22-11-2011  CLICK HERE...

In this regard please read also G.O. 628-SE/pry dated 12-10-2011 for system of lottery for filling up the reserved category vacancies


In order to REDRESS the complaint received by the Education Department the Governor is pleased to pass an order to follow two-step lottery for admission and this has been done to protect the rights of reserved category applicants.


Click here to read G.O. No. 628-SE(Pry) dated 12.10.11

Provisional recognition for up-gradation of 40(forty)High Schools to Higher Secondary Level during the academic session of 2011-2012.

40 Schools have been recommended by the Dept Of Education for up gradation to HS to WBCHSE.

Like to see the LIST OF SCHOOLS, Click Here...

School Sports Policy of West Bengal

The Government of West Bengal has promulgated the School Sports Policy with its vision and suggestion.

The document, adorned  with worthy words, is a nice one to read on but it would have been more effective by stating the procedure how it would be implemented in school whereas in West Bengal Physical & Work Education has been treated as an OPTIONAL subject since long...

Read more about the Policy

Monday, 12 December 2011

Admission in School by lottery : Procedure

Govt has published the detailed guideline for admission in Class 1 to Class 8 in Govt / Aided institutions from this session as follows:

  1. Admission will be done by lottery from Class 1 to Class 8
  2. If no, of Applicants is more than the no. of seats then only lottery will be done.
  3. All students of Primary Schools running in the same building or morning section will be admitted first then the left out seats will be filled up by the applicants by lottery
  4. Draw the lot from all candidates irrespective of SC ST etc. then for respective quotas
  5. Nearest School means 1/2 from home in case of Kolkata and hazardous area & 1 km for other places for Primary School and for UP schools it is 1 and 2 km
  6. Those students who do not have their name in the list after drwing lottery, they can apply to the DI/s for their action.
  7. Age for admission in class 1 is 5 years as on 1-1-2012
Click here See the Bengali version of Order

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


The scheme entitled Innovative Practices in School and Teacher Education: All India Competition for NCERT award for school Teachers and Teacher Education was formulated during nineteen sixties and was in vogue till 2005.
National Curriculum Framework 2005 under the heading "Encouraging Innovations" in Chapter 5 entitled "Systemic Reforms" has made the following observations: Individual teachers often explore new ways of transacting the curriculum in addressing the needs of students within their specific classroom context (including constraints of space, large numbers, absence of teaching aids, diversity in the student body, the compulsion of examination, and so on). These efforts, often pragmatic but also creative and ingenious, by and large remain invisible to the school and the larger teaching community, and are usually not valued by teachers themselves. The sharing of teaching experiences and diverse classroom practices can provide opportunities for an academic discourse to develop within school as teachers interact with and learn from each other. This will also encourage new ideas and facilitate innovation and experimentation. How can innovative and creative ways of teaching and learning be encouraged and supported by the system so that they can become a body of practice that can be brought to a stage when they can be built back into the system? For a start, there is a need to create structured spaces within schools, and at the level of the cluster and block where teachers are encouraged to share and discuss classroom practices and experiences. If seen as worthwhile, some of these ideas and practices can be systemically followed up. It is also important to bring together groups of teachers within and across schools and provide support to them in terms of resources as well as time to work together. There is also, a need for documentation and research of identified good practices i(5.5.2).
As a follow-up of field interaction, expert group meetings and observations of NCF 2005, the old scheme was reviewed. On the basis of feedback received from the teachers, headmasters and experts, the following in-built obstacles in the system of school education and teacher education were identified in the way of sustaining innovations and innovative ideas in the system for a longer period.
More >>

Bengal slammed for not implementing right to education act

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) on Friday slammed the West Bengal government for not implementing right to education act in the state.

Addressing the media here at conclusion of a two-day-long public hearing, NCPCR Chairperson Shanta Sinha said the problem of child labour and trafficking were rampant in West Bengal because of non-implementation of the right to education act.

West Bengal cabinet takes pro-learning decisions

Thursday approved a 'no-detention policy' for promoting all students up to Class 8 but said examinations will be held to evaluate a student's progress.

The cabinet also decided to do away with the lottery system in school admission and left it to the individual schools to decide on the modalities of admission.

'We have decided there will be no detention of students up to Class 8. However, examinations will be held and results also announced. This is needed to evaluate the progress of the students and help them overcome weaknesses,' Industries and IT Minister Partha Chatterjee told mediapersons while briefing them on the cabinet decisions.

'We have discussed in detail various aspects of school education. We have been against the lottery system in education. We feel it is for the schools to frame rules for admission. The schools will apprise the education department,' Chatterjee said at the state secretariat.

However, the cabinet decision contradicts the state government's order last month about introducing a lottery system for admission in schools. In fact, a large number of schools held a meeting Thursday to decide on the modalities of the lottery system.

Education Minister Bratya Basu said the government will not intervene in the admission norms followed by individual schools unless there were allegations of exorbitant fees charged or of partiality in the administration process.

Clause 16 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act that came into force from April 1, 2010, states that no child admitted in a school shall be held back in any class till completion of elementary education. The act makes education a fundamental right of every child in the age group of 6-14 years.

West Bengal as an Education Destination

n the pre-independent India, the intellectual resources of West Bengal had an influencing role in the India nation building. This is the first state in India responsible for bringing rational education to the young people. West Bengal witnessed The “Bengal Renaissance” and “Young Bengal Movement” for India and brought western education to India.

The land of exotic charm is responsible for birth of numerous intellectuals, educationist and personalities, who emerged as persons of global repute. Great visionaries like Rabindranath Tagore, Mother Teresa, Satyendra Bose and Amartya Sen, Satyajit Roy, only ton name a few, are sons of this land. Hence, from this entire information one can get a vivid picture of the excellent education profile of West Bengal.

In the post independence era also, education scenario of West Bengal is growing rapidy. Besides the proper division of the educational departments, commitment of persons, to education sector of West Bengal, is quite explicit and admirable. Government also offers balanced education opportunities and facilities to both rural and urban sector.

Our website makes a sincere attempt to provide you with detailed focus on the education profile of West Bengal.

In the West Bengal education system, district level education officials play the most crucial role in the development of primary and secondary education. The inspector of primary education, the district inspector of secondary education and district officer of physical education and youth welfare, are responsible for improvement in the quality of educational, cultural, physical and administrative activities. The Department of School Education in West Bengal is responsible for supervising formal system of education from Primary to Higher Secondary Level including Madrasaha, Sanskrit Anglo-Indian Education and other minority education.

Primary Education in West Bengal stats from standard I to IV, Secondary Education in West Bengal is from standard - V to X (Junior High or Upper Primary stage is from standard – V to VIII and High School stage is Class – IX and X) and Class-XI and XII constitute the Higher Secondary Education in West Bengal.

The entire School Education System in West Bengal is administered by a dual administrative system. The Syllabus and Curriculum as well as final evaluation are administered by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal Council for Higher Secondary Education and West Bengal Board of Madrasaha Education in their respective areas. The Department of Technical Education & Training administers schemes on technical education at Diploma Level through Polytechnics, Craftsman Training through Industrial Training Institute and Junior Technical Schools, Non-formal vocational Training through Community Polytechnics and short- term Vocational Training Programme implemented through Zilla Parishads and Non-Govt Organizations towards improvement and expansion of Technical Education in West Bengal.